
Stroudsburg Little League

Registratrion Info - How to register

Thank you for your interest in the Stroudsburg Little League! In order to register your player(s) for the coming season, you must complete the following actions:

  1. Create an Account: If you have not already done so, you must create an adult account on our site. If you have more than one adult that you would like to receive emails/notifications of games/league events, you can link additional adult accounts to your main account.
  2. Add Players: When adding players to your account for registration, you need to know date of birth, place of residence, and emergency contact information for your player. You will need to either (1) upload a legible scan/photo of your child's birth certificate or (2) bring a copy to an in-person registration session for verification of age.
  3. Register for the Season: Once your player(s) have been added to your account, add the program(s) to your cart that you want to participate in for the coming season. The divisions available to you for registration will depend upon your player's league age. The following link provides additional information on age divisions in the Stroudsburg Little League. All players League Age 10-12 that have not played Majors must go through try-outs. You will be prompted for additional information, like uniform size, additional emergency contact, and current medical information.
    1. You must bring proof of residence to an in-person registration session. To accomplish this, you must bring three documents, one from each group defined below, that show current residence.
    2. Proof of residence is defined per Little League International rules: Little League
      • Group 1: Driver's License, School records, Vehicle records, Employment records, Insurance documents
      • Group 2: Welfare/child care records, Federal records (tax, social security, etc), State records, Local municipality records, Support payment records, Homeowner/tenant records, Military records
      • Group 3: Voter's registration, Utility bills, Financial records (loan, credit, investments), Medical records, Internet/cable/satellite bills
  4. Manager/Coaches/Team Helpers: You will be asked for volunteer information to process your application to help. The league will contact you to let you know position for which you have been selected/approved.
    1. Note: All Managers, Coaches, Umpires, Team Parents, and Board Members must complete a Volunteer Application and have current PA Child Abuse Clearances.
    2. Information on this process can be found here:
  5. Payment: You have the ability to complete payment online with a credit card, or bring check to a League Meeting. Season fees are as follows:
    • Registration Fees:
      • T-Ball: $75
      • All other divisions: $150
      • When registering multiple players, the family total amount for registration fees is capped at $300